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Green lentil soup

6 Portionen


225 g green lentils
5 tbsp olive oil
3 onions, chopped
2 cloves of garlic, thinly sliced
1.5 l water
100 g black forest ham
Pepper and salt

Immernoch gebraucht

FRITEL Hand Blender HB 2870 or HB 2879
FRITEL Soup Maker SB 2970 or SB 3190


Preparation time:10 min.
Put the lentils in a pan with so much water that they are submerged. Bring to the boil and cook for 10 min. Drain them.
Heat 2 tbsp oil and fry 2 onions with garlic, stirring, for 3 min. Add the lentils, water and black forest ham. Bring to the boil.
Turn down the heat, cover the pan and cook the lentils for 30 min to soften.
Mash the lentils with the hand blender, heat and season to taste.
Pour the soup into bowls.
When using the Soup maker:
Put all ingredients (except the forest ham) in the Soup Maker and select the pre-programmed function Smooth (smooth mixed soup)
The Soup Maker now prepares your fresh green lentil soup
After mixing, add the strips of black forest ham to give a smoked flavour to your soup.


Want a super smooth creamy soup? Then put it in the FRITEL Blender BL 3890.


Stabmixer XXL HB 2870
Stabmixer set XXL HB 2879
Soup Maker SB 2970
Soup Maker SB 3190