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Spicy curry-coconut waffles

30 portions
30 pieces


Number of waffles: +/- 30 pieces
250 gm self-rising flower
¼-½ tsp baking powder
1,5 dl milk
1 dl coconut milk
100 gm melted butter
3 eggs
1 tsp grated fresh ginger
1-2 tbsp Madras curry powder
Salt and pepper to taste


Melt the butter with the curry powder.
Mix all the ingredients together in a large bowl.
Beat to a smooth and fluffy batter.
Heat the waffle iron and wait until the light turns green (only the first time). 
Bake the waffles for about 3,5 minutes in a waffle iron with 4x7 or 6x10 plates.  
Remove the waffles from the waffle iron with a FRITEL waffle fork. 
Garnish with some fresh coconut flakes. 


These spicy waffles are delicious with (oriental) soup.


Stick Blender set XXL HB 2879